PUTTING HUMPTY DUMPTY BACK TOGETHER AGAIN: The Fine Art of Slowing Down, Taking a Breath, and Thinki
Many years ago, I conducted a workshop called “You’ll Always Find What You’re Looking For”. This was before the Law of Attraction gained...

OH ME OH MY, I LOVE PIE! Mending Relationships Post-Election
This year’s election cycle has been especially brutal. Not only have the candidates done a great job of demonstrating “how not to act”,...

HERE'S LOOKING AT YOU, KID! Embracing the Space In Between
In the last couple of weeks, my Facebook feed has been chock-full of posts about change, moving forward, letting go. Friends from around...

GROWING OLDER BUT NOT UP: Finding Your Special Purpose
I got an email the other day from a guy who used to work in the oil and gas industry. He was seeking my advice on what to do with his...

CONJUNCTION (DYS)FUNCTION: Learning to Love the Word "And"
Have you ever stopped to think about the incredible power of the word ‘and’? It’s a tiny little word, but just thinking and saying ‘and’...

IGNITE CREATIVITY: Strut Your Stuff Case Study
The situation: I’ve used this concept too many times to pick just one example, so I’m going to share the philosophy with you, shared by...

Why Be a Dragonfly?
Businesses could learn a lot about effective, focused and coordinated effort from the dragonfly. Dragonfly eyes have 30,000 facets,...

IGNITE INNOVATION: “If you’re losing money on every deal, try to make up for it in volume." Say
The situation: This company, a systems integrator, engaged my services after tripling in size the prior year. I was brought in to...

IGNITE GROWTH: Use a Rifle, Not a Shotgun - Case Study
The situation: One of my clients was sending many employees to a major industry trade show twice a year. As is often the case with trade...

IGNITE TRANSFORMATION: If everyone else is jumping off a cliff, would you do it too? Why you need C
The situation: A client with regulated profit margins and small offices in numerous cities was spending an inordinate amount of money on...