Sales | Non-Sales Solutions
It's Time for the Word "Sales" to Shake It's Bad Reputation
“When buyers can know more than sellers, sellers are no longer protectors and purveyors of information. They’re the curators and clarifiers of it – helping to make sense of the blizzard of facts, data and options.”
– Daniel Pink, To Sell is Human
A quick Google search of the terms “professional sales consultative selling solution selling” produces loads of results that clearly demonstrate the evolution of sales since the used car salesman in the plaid coat from the 1970’s.
Instead of being a spinmaster who withholds information and tries to get one over on a potential customer, today's professional salespeople should be trusted advisors. Their focus should be on providing the client with the information they need to make the best decision possible. This can only happen if the salesperson puts the clients’ needs first, listens more than he talks, and is willing to explore all options.

Sales Personnel Development
Most small businesses have hired sales people with innate and varied skills. As business grows, you see a need to incorporate a more methodical approach so all sales personnel can continue to perform consistently in less-than-optimal situations. Sadly, most small business owners simply cannot afford a comprehensive corporate sales training program, so you are forced to use off-the-shelf training that may or not apply to your situation. These off-the-shelf “solutions” require participants to take the concepts they learn and apply them to their sales environment on their own.
At Ignite Business Services, we make that connection for you. Janna has over 30 years of consultative sales experience and is able to offer clients customized, cost-effective professional sales development programs in the following areas:
Researching the Client
Sales Call Planning
Initial Client Interviews
Objection Handling
Win-Win Negotiations
Because we work on real-world issues, participants leave our sessions armed and ready to tackle even the most challenging sales situations.
Non-Sales Personnel Development
No sales force? No worries! The basic tenets of consultative selling are in sync with Daniel Pink’s non-sales selling concepts. With only a slight shift in perspective, our consultative sales approach works for any employee who interacts with customers – yes, this includes customer service, operations, accounting, even the CEO!
Non-sales selling all boils down to building solid relationships and developing trust. All the non-sales person has to do is relax, be natural and listen to what the target “buyer” has to say. Listen, ask questions and see how you can help. Have your facts ready and make sure they are right.
Janna can help your customer-facing non-sales personnel become confident flag-bearers for your company, and improve customer satisfaction along the way.
What Clients are Saying
“Janna came to our company during a time in our growth when we needed strong sales leadership and stability. The company was experiencing significant growth that had outstripped our ability to provide sound fiscal management of the sales organization. Janna very quickly gained the respect of the sales force and began a process of implementing sales policy that served the company well for many years. She was also instrumental in working cross-functionally to enhance the business processes between sales and the various customer-facing and back-office organizations, ultimately streamlining business processes and increasing customer satisfaction.”